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Profile Properties
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Profile Properties
Profile Properties
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Profile Properties
Profile Properties
Welcome to North Florida
In the heart of North Florida, opportunity thrives and possibilities abound. The North Florida Economic Development Partnership (NFEDP) is more than just a connector; it's a catalyst for economic transformation. With a deep commitment to fostering sustainable growth and innovation, we proudly stand as "Florida's Gateway to Growth." Our region offers companies unparalleled access to vital industries, infrastructure, and skilled talent, making North Florida a prime destination for businesses ready to expand and succeed.
Welcome to North Florida
In the heart of North Florida, opportunity thrives and possibilities abound. The North Florida Economic Development Partnership (NFEDP) is more than just a connector; it's a catalyst for economic transformation. With a deep commitment to fostering sustainable growth and innovation, we proudly stand as "Florida's Gateway to Growth." Our region offers companies unparalleled access to vital industries, infrastructure, and skilled talent, making North Florida a prime destination for businesses ready to expand and succeed.
Workforce and Talent Development
The region’s robust development pipeline is supported at every level of higher education. Bordered by the state’s two major Tier 1 Research Universities—the University of Florida and Florida State University—North Florida also offers access to the University of North Florida and Florida A & M University. Excellent state and technical colleges support workforce quality with extensive programming aligned to industry needs, while CareerSource Florida makes workforce resources and assistance available with one-stop ease. To learn more about the region’s diverse development assets and advantages, click here.

Workforce and Talent Development
The region’s robust development pipeline is supported at every level of higher education. Bordered by the state’s two major Tier 1 Research Universities—the University of Florida and Florida State University—North Florida also offers access to the University of North Florida and Florida A & M University. Excellent state and technical colleges support workforce quality with extensive programming aligned to industry needs, while CareerSource Florida makes workforce resources and assistance available with one-stop ease. To learn more about the region’s diverse development assets and advantages, click here.
14 Miles Away
17 Miles Away
30 Miles Away
Sherri Mitchell
Phone: (904) 225-8878
.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
Website Link
32 Miles Away
17 Miles Away
55 Miles Away
Jimmy Williams
Phone: (386) 496-4241
.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
Website Link
72.8 Miles Away
0.1 Miles Away
103 Miles Away
Doug Brown
Phone: (850) 673-7219
.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
Website Link
0.5 Miles Away
26 Miles Away
69 Miles Away
Mark Litten
Phone: (386) 328-1503
.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
Website Link
18 Miles Away
42 Miles Away
117 Miles Away
Scott Osteen
Phone: (352) 221-3793
.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
Website Link
Featured Property
Bradford County
13 Miles Away
23 Miles Away
48 Miles Away
Amber Shepherd
Phone: (352) 721-1209
.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
Website Link
37 Miles Away
0.3 Miles Away
32 Miles Away
Darryl Register
Phone: (904) 259-6433
.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
Website Link
49 Miles Away
30 Miles Away
90 Miles Away
Steve Land
Phone: (386) 294-1600
.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
36 Miles Away
0.1 Miles Away
128 Miles Away
Shannon Metty
Phone: (850) 342-0223
.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
Website Link
51 Miles Away
0.5 Miles Away
64 Miles Away
Jennifer Goff-Daniels
Phone: (386) 758-1033
.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
Website Link
Featured Property
Taylor County
2 Miles Away
25 Miles Away
130 Miles Away
Andy Jackson
Phone: (850) 843-0932
.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
37 Miles Away
25.7 Miles Away
107 Miles Away
Donna Creamer
Phone: (352) 463-4638
.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
Website Link
Featured Property
Hamilton County
26 Miles Away
0.5 Miles Away
97 Miles Away
Chadd Mathis
Phone: (812) 491-4655
.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
Website Link
0.5 Miles Away
45 Miles Away
118 Miles Away
Karen VanArnam
Phone: (352) 356-0304
.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
Website Link
90 Miles Away
0.5 Miles Away
90 Miles Away
Jimmy Norris
Phone: (386) 364-1700
.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
Website Link

14 Miles Away
17 Miles Away
30 Miles Away
Sherri Mitchell
Phone: (904) 225-8878
.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
Website Link

Featured Property
Union County
32 Miles Away
17 Miles Away
55 Miles Away
Jimmy Williams
Phone: (386) 496-4241
.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
Website Link

Featured Property
Madison County
72.8 Miles Away
0.1 Miles Away
103 Miles Away
Doug Brown
Phone: (850) 673-7219
.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
Website Link

Featured Property
Putnam County
0.5 Miles Away
26 Miles Away
69 Miles Away
Mark Litten
Phone: (386) 328-1503
.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
Website Link

Featured Property
Levi County
18 Miles Away
42 Miles Away
117 Miles Away
Scott Osteen
Phone: (352) 221-3793
.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
Website Link

13 Miles Away
23 Miles Away
48 Miles Away
Amber Shepherd
Phone: (352) 721-1209
.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
Website Link

Featured Property
Baker County
37 Miles Away
0.3 Miles Away
32 Miles Away
Darryl Register
Phone: (904) 259-6433
.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
Website Link

Featured Property
Lafayette County
49 Miles Away
30 Miles Away
90 Miles Away
Steve Land
Phone: (386) 294-1600
.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

Featured Property
Jefferson County
36 Miles Away
0.1 Miles Away
128 Miles Away
Shannon Metty
Phone: (850) 342-0223
.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
Website Link

Featured Property
Columbia County
51 Miles Away
0.5 Miles Away
64 Miles Away
Jennifer Goff-Daniels
Phone: (386) 758-1033
.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
Website Link

2 Miles Away
25 Miles Away
130 Miles Away
Andy Jackson
Phone: (850) 843-0932
.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

Featured Property
Gilchrist County
37 Miles Away
25.7 Miles Away
107 Miles Away
Donna Creamer
Phone: (352) 463-4638
.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
Website Link

26 Miles Away
0.5 Miles Away
97 Miles Away
Chadd Mathis
Phone: (812) 491-4655
.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
Website Link

Featured Property
Dixie County
0.5 Miles Away
45 Miles Away
118 Miles Away
Karen VanArnam
Phone: (352) 356-0304
.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
Website Link

Featured Property
Suwannee County
90 Miles Away
0.5 Miles Away
90 Miles Away
Jimmy Norris
Phone: (386) 364-1700
.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
Website Link
Regional Demographics
Average Household Income
Labor Force
Regional Demographics
Average Household Income
Labor Force
County Assets
icon | 11.4% | Population Growth Rate (2017-2022) |
icon | 45.15% | Post High School Education |
icon | 936,782 | Labor Force within 50 Mile Radius |
County Assets
icon | 1M+ | Labor Force in a 50 Mile Radius |
icon | 19.4% | Populations Growth (2015-2022) |
icon | Home of the North Florida Technical College |
County Assets
icon | 52.4% | Post High School Education |
icon | 27 | Universities within 50 Miles |
icon | 539,255 | Population within 50 Miles |
County Assets
icon | 15.6% | Population Growth Rate (2017-2022) |
icon | 518,444 | Population within 50 Mile Radius |
icon | 35.9% | Post High School Education |
County Assets
icon | 540,252 | Population within 50 Mile Radius |
icon | 87.52% | Have a High School Degree or Higher |
icon | 16,885 | Manufacturing, Transportation and Warehousing Employment within 50 Miles |
County Assets
icon | 78.93% | Have a High School Degree or Higher |
icon | 540,252 | Population within 50 Mile Radius |
icon | 18,000+ | Manufacturing, Transportation and Warehousing Jobs within a 50 Mile Radius |
County Assets
icon | 13% | Population Growth Rate (2017-2022) |
icon | 716,672 | Population within 50 Mile Radius |
icon | 51.6% | Post High School Education |
County Assets
icon | 13 | Universities within 50 Miles |
icon | 8,000+ | Manufacturing, Transportation and Warehousing Employment within 50 Miles |
icon | 77.3% | Have a High School Degree or Higher |
County Assets
icon | 10.6% | Population Growth Rate (2017 - 2022) |
icon | 27,400 | Manufacturing, Transportation and Warehousing Employment Within 50 Miles |
icon | 540,252 | Population within 50 Mile Radius |
County Assets
icon | 10.7% | Population Growth Rate (2017-2022) |
icon | 82.12% | Have a High School Degree or Higher |
icon | 14,697 | Manufacturing, Transportation and Warehousing Jobs within a 50 Mile Radius |
County Assets
icon | 1.89 Million | Population within 50 Mile Radius |
icon | 936,782 | Labor Force within 50 Mile Radius |
icon | 94,009 | Manufacturing, Transportation and Warehousing Jobs within a 50 Mile Radius |
County Assets
icon | 42.4% | Post High School Education |
icon | 51 | Universities within 50 Mile Radius |
icon | Home of Saint Leo University and St. Johns River State College |
County Assets
icon | 6.8% | Population Growth Rate in the Last 5 Years (2017-2022) |
icon | 45.4% | Post High School Education |
icon | Home of North Florida College and River Oak Technical College |
County Assets
icon | 474,057 | Population within 50 Mile Radius |
icon | 12 | Universities within 50 Mile Radius |
icon | 84.94% | Have a High School Degree or Higher |
County Assets
icon | 59% | Population Growth Rate (2017-2022) |
icon | 1.89 M | Population within 50 Mile Radius |
icon | 30 | Universities within 50 Mile Radius |
County Assets
Baker County
icon | 11.4% | Population Growth Rate (2017-2022) |
icon | 45.15% | Post High School Education |
icon | 936,782 | Labor Force within 50 Mile Radius |
Bradford County
icon | 1M+ | Labor Force in a 50 Mile Radius |
icon | 19.4% | Populations Growth (2015-2022) |
icon | Home of the North Florida Technical College |
Columbia County
icon | 52.4% | Post High School Education |
icon | 27 | Universities within 50 Miles |
icon | 539,255 | Population within 50 Miles |
Dixie County
icon | 15.6% | Population Growth Rate (2017-2022) |
icon | 518,444 | Population within 50 Mile Radius |
icon | 35.9% | Post High School Education |
Gilchrist County
icon | 540,252 | Population within 50 Mile Radius |
icon | 87.52% | Have a High School Degree or Higher |
icon | 16,885 | Manufacturing, Transportation and Warehousing Employment within 50 Miles |
Hamilton County
icon | 78.93% | Have a High School Degree or Higher |
icon | 540,252 | Population within 50 Mile Radius |
icon | 18,000+ | Manufacturing, Transportation and Warehousing Jobs within a 50 Mile Radius |
Jefferson County
icon | 13% | Population Growth Rate (2017-2022) |
icon | 716,672 | Population within 50 Mile Radius |
icon | 51.6% | Post High School Education |
Lafayette County
icon | 13 | Universities within 50 Miles |
icon | 8,000+ | Manufacturing, Transportation and Warehousing Employment within 50 Miles |
icon | 77.3% | Have a High School Degree or Higher |
Levy County
icon | 10.6% | Population Growth Rate (2017 - 2022) |
icon | 27,400 | Manufacturing, Transportation and Warehousing Employment Within 50 Miles |
icon | 540,252 | Population within 50 Mile Radius |
Madison County
icon | 10.7% | Population Growth Rate (2017-2022) |
icon | 82.12% | Have a High School Degree or Higher |
icon | 14,697 | Manufacturing, Transportation and Warehousing Jobs within a 50 Mile Radius |
Nassau County
icon | 1.89 Million | Population within 50 Mile Radius |
icon | 936,782 | Labor Force within 50 Mile Radius |
icon | 94,009 | Manufacturing, Transportation and Warehousing Jobs within a 50 Mile Radius |
Putnam County
icon | 42.4% | Post High School Education |
icon | 51 | Universities within 50 Mile Radius |
icon | Home of Saint Leo University and St. Johns River State College |
Suwannee County
icon | 6.8% | Population Growth Rate in the Last 5 Years (2017-2022) |
icon | 45.4% | Post High School Education |
icon | Home of North Florida College and River Oak Technical College |
Taylor County
icon | 474,057 | Population within 50 Mile Radius |
icon | 12 | Universities within 50 Mile Radius |
icon | 84.94% | Have a High School Degree or Higher |
Union County
icon | 59% | Population Growth Rate (2017-2022) |
icon | 1.89 M | Population within 50 Mile Radius |
icon | 30 | Universities within 50 Mile Radius |
Key Industries
Lots of available land, a robust infrastructure and access to larger markets are just some of the reasons logistics and distribution companies thrive in North Central Florida.
Key Industries
North Florida's Aviation Assets
North Florida's Aviation Assets
Regional Airports
Fernandina Beach Municipal Airport
Nassau County
Located on Amelia Island just three miles from the downtown historic district of Fernandina Beach and less than two miles from beaches, hotels and resort amenities, Fernandina Beach Municipal Airport is also a designated reliever airport for Jacksonville International; its three runways are all at least 5,000 feet in length.
Regional Airports
Cross City Airport
Dixie County
As a public-use airport, this county-owned, general aviation facility is a key component in the area’s visitor and business economy. The Airport offers two asphalt runways, both approximately 5,000 feet in length to accommodate general aviation aircrafts.
Regional Airports
George T Lewis Airport
Levy County
Located on the Gulf Coast approximately 60 miles southwest of Gainesville, this county-owned public-use facility serves the community’s general aviation needs with a single 2,335-foot runway, which easily accommodates single-engine general aviation aircraft.
Regional Airports
Keystone Heights Airpark
Clay/Bradford Counties
While it is proximate to major airports in Jacksonville and Gainesville, the Keystone Airpark is the only general aviation airport convenient to the local communities in Clay and Bradford Counties. With two runways, the longest at 5,044 feet, the airpark can support most general aviation/business jet aircraft.
Regional Airports
Lake City Gateway Airport
Columbia County
This city-owned public-use airport is equipped with two runways, one 8,003 feet x 150 feet and the other 4,000 feet x 150 feet, and can accommodate aircraft as large as the C130, KC10, and Boeing 747, 757, and 767. With full-service FBO services, the Airport supports a variety of activities including flight training, corporate operations, law enforcement and recreation.
Regional Airports
Palatka Municipal Airport-Lt. Kay Larkin Field
Putnam County
This busy airport provides three intersecting runways, the longest of which is 6,003 feet, allowing it to accommodate mid-size general aviation/business jet aircraft. The Airport is served by two aircraft maintenance providers, a skydiving operator and a flight instruction business. Palatka-Kay is used frequently by government agencies.
Regional Airports
Perry Foley Airport
Taylor County
Located three miles from the city of Perry, this public-use airport provides three runways, the longest at 5,010 feet to accommodate most general aviation aircraft. The Airport primarily supports corporate/business travel, with self-service refueling convenient for both local and transient users.
Regional Airports
Suwannee County Airport
Suwannee County
Located approximately 85 miles west of Jacksonville, Suwannee County Airport serves the community’s general aviation needs with FBO services and a single 4,000-foot runway to accommodate mid-size general aviation aircraft.
Regional Airports
Williston Municipal Airport
Levy County
Located just two miles from Williston’s central business district, this city-owned public use airport provides a 6,669-foot runway and a 4,704-foot runway. The Airport offers both Jet-A and Avgas, as well as a crew/courtesy car.

Regional Airports
Fernandina Beach Municipal Airport
Nassau County
Located on Amelia Island just three miles from the downtown historic district of Fernandina Beach and less than two miles from beaches, hotels and resort amenities, Fernandina Beach Municipal Airport is also a designated reliever airport for Jacksonville International; its three runways are all at least 5,000 feet in length.

Regional Airports
Cross City Airport
Dixie County
As a public-use airport, this county-owned, general aviation facility is a key component in the area’s visitor and business economy. The Airport offers two asphalt runways, both approximately 5,000 feet in length to accommodate general aviation aircrafts.

Regional Airports
George T Lewis Airport
Levy County
Located on the Gulf Coast approximately 60 miles southwest of Gainesville, this county-owned public-use facility serves the community’s general aviation needs with a single 2,335-foot runway, which easily accommodates single-engine general aviation aircraft.

Regional Airports
Keystone Heights Airpark
Clay/Bradford Counties
While it is proximate to major airports in Jacksonville and Gainesville, the Keystone Airpark is the only general aviation airport convenient to the local communities in Clay and Bradford Counties. With two runways, the longest at 5,044 feet, the airpark can support most general aviation/business jet aircraft.

Regional Airports
Lake City Gateway Airport
Columbia County
This city-owned public-use airport is equipped with two runways, one 8,003 feet x 150 feet and the other 4,000 feet x 150 feet, and can accommodate aircraft as large as the C130, KC10, and Boeing 747, 757, and 767. With full-service FBO services, the Airport supports a variety of activities including flight training, corporate operations, law enforcement and recreation.

Regional Airports
Palatka Municipal Airport-Lt. Kay Larkin Field
Putnam County
This busy airport provides three intersecting runways, the longest of which is 6,003 feet, allowing it to accommodate mid-size general aviation/business jet aircraft. The Airport is served by two aircraft maintenance providers, a skydiving operator and a flight instruction business. Palatka-Kay is used frequently by government agencies.

Regional Airports
Perry Foley Airport
Taylor County
Located three miles from the city of Perry, this public-use airport provides three runways, the longest at 5,010 feet to accommodate most general aviation aircraft. The Airport primarily supports corporate/business travel, with self-service refueling convenient for both local and transient users.

Regional Airports
Suwannee County Airport
Suwannee County
Located approximately 85 miles west of Jacksonville, Suwannee County Airport serves the community’s general aviation needs with FBO services and a single 4,000-foot runway to accommodate mid-size general aviation aircraft.

Regional Airports
Williston Municipal Airport
Levy County
Located just two miles from Williston’s central business district, this city-owned public use airport provides a 6,669-foot runway and a 4,704-foot runway. The Airport offers both Jet-A and Avgas, as well as a crew/courtesy car.
Working to be the most connected region in the U.S.
The implementation of cutting-edge digital infrastructure throughout the region is opening exciting new possibilities and opportunity for businesses and residents—a game-changing advancement made possible through the initiative of North Florida’s innovative electrical co-ops.

Working to be the most connected region in the U.S.
The implementation of cutting-edge digital infrastructure throughout the region is opening exciting new possibilities and opportunity for businesses and residents—a game-changing advancement made possible through the initiative of North Florida’s innovative electrical co-ops.