Expand a Business
Expansions are only natural in the North Florida region. After all, lower costs and an empowering workforce facilitate higher productivity and profitability as well as an enhanced brand profile—all important drivers of growth. Equally important: North Florida’s team approach to economic development. Coordinated collaborative efforts bring together your local economic development group working with NFEDP along with relevant state agencies. Our unified action expedites your expansion process, opening the way for powerful and sustained growth.
From the earliest stages of your expansion plans, call on NFEDP for strategic services including:
Market analysis to guide your project to best respond to market conditions.
Site selection services, including site tours if a new facility is needed.
Incentives and financing from the state, regional and local levels. Your expansion team will also assist in connecting you to relevant funding resources.
Workforce development customized to your project. Whether you’re adding new staff or upskilling incumbent workers, tap into the expertise of the collaborative network of Career Source Florida, the umbrella organization for the five regional workforce boards that cover North Florida, ready to assist in recruitment, screening and training. Incentives like FloridaFlex and the Incumbent Worker Training (IWT) can defray costs significantly.
Fast-track permitting, removing any building or zoning obstacles. In North Florida’s pro-business climate, your operation can move with greater ease.
Export assistance to help your enterprise leverage Florida’s comprehensive transit and trade infrastructure, including Foreign Trade Zones located in the region.