Unleash enterprise potential in North Florida when you and your operation:
Access Vital Resources that Accelerate Growth
Over 9,000 square miles of rich natural resources have made North Florida a vital center for timber and ag-related industries, while the region’s human and community resources are equally important in nurturing and sustaining success across sectors. Business is in our nature.
Flourish in a Vibrantly Collaborative Culture
Human connections here are vibrant and meaningful, neighbor-to-neighbor, business-to-business, community-to-community. Hard-working people working together, as individuals, as communities and counties, as a powerful unified region providing the stability and quality to grow thriving families and successful industry. This is a culture for quality.
Extend and Expedite Market Access
Put the entire Southeast region within rapid reach through fast-moving logistics including interstate, Class I rail and region-wide air connections, with deep water ports opening strategic access to global markets.
Lower Operational Costs and Expand Opportunity
Six North Florida counties rank in the list of top 10 Florida counties offering the state’s lowest cost of living. Even better, communities here offer skilled workforce motivated to produce success, as well as educational and recreational assets that put a world of opportunity and a wealth of satisfying experiences at your door.
Connect with a Transformative Digital Infrastructure
The installation of pioneering high-speed fiber infrastructure is making one- and two-gig speeds available in the furthest reaches of the region, allowing connection at every level: Rural beauty and serenity combined with limitless opportunity.
Prosper with Powerful Energy Partnerships
Innovative local electrical cooperatives and respected commercial entities Florida Power & Light and Duke Energy provide not only cost-effective, climate-conscious energy but also game-changing business assistance and development.
Nurture and Strengthen Your Enterprise in an Optimal Business Climate
Lower costs, less regulations, communities ready to embrace your enterprise and facilitate your success: This is a region that works together to drive excellence and success, all in a state that’s consistently ranked at the top for business locations. Soak up the sun and succeed in achieving your goals and dreams.